Houssam Abiad

Houssam Abiad

Business leader, Entrepreneur and Chief Innovation Officer with more than 19 years’ experience of launching successful businesses, running high profile global cities, elected office and holding multiple board and advisory positions


Houssam Abiad is an inspiring business leader and entrepreneur who has made a name for himself in both the technology and hospitality industries. He is currently the Chief Innovation Officer of a leading hospitality company, where he works to drive innovation through technological solutions. With his extensive experience in both industries, Houssam Abiad is able to bring together innovative ideas and cutting-edge technologies to create unique experiences for customers. His passion for creating value through technology makes him an ideal leader in this field.

Houssam Abiad Blog

Houssam Abiad is a business leader, entrepreneur, and Chief Innovation Officer with a passion for technology and hospitality. His blog is a great source of information for those looking to learn more about the latest trends in the tech industry or how to develop their own businesses. Through his blog, Houssam shares his insights on topics such as entrepreneurship, developing effective strategies, and leveraging technology to create innovative solutions. He also provides valuable advice on how to make the most of existing resources while staying ahead of the competition. With his blog, readers can stay up-to-date on all things related to business leadership and innovation.